This article will talk you through how to process a new joiner contract for a Private Vendor


Things to check before processing

Check the lead email is a personal one and not a company/Business related. If the email is business related, we will need to respond to the vendor asking to confirm they own the property and to request a personalised email address. 

The name should be of a person in the format: Name Surname. If the private seller does not want their name to be listed on the website, we can add their initials or First Name and the initial of their Surname.

Things to remember when processing

You don’t set the products live on-site until the PV Call is completed!

Steps on how to process

  1. The forms for PV’s will be received from Echosign and will look like this; 

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2.Once you have received this, open the PDF attachment, and check all details you require are filled. FYI- The background on the form is blue and the writing is black, so you may not see the writing without having to zoom in! 

3.Open site admin, In the company name, search “Private Seller”, It will show you “Private Seller” & “Private Seller archive”, You will want to select “Admin” on the private seller option. 

4.It will show you all the Private seller branches, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Add new overseas branch to this Agent Brand”

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5.It will open a page that starts like this;

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6.You will need to fill in the boxes with a * at the end, these are required boxes. The information for these boxes will be available on the PV Form. 

As you scroll down the page, you will need to untick the below boxes!

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7.Press save and continue. You will now want to copy and Paste the phone number from the form. For the Geo number, you will want to tick the below-highlighted boxes;

The prefix will be 020. FYI- Private vendors don’t get the option for Call recording! 

8.Press save, It will take you to the last page. You will want to prepend the description, use the same as brand for the logo, and upload the Private seller logo for the Branch photo (Photo below). Once all filled out, save the branch. 

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9.Once you have saved the branch, it will take you back to the branches. You can now add products to your private vendor account. To do this you will need to check the country on the below link to figure out what package they need to go on;

On this page, the countries are split into categories, these will tell you what package you need to enter into Novus.   You will want to remember if they pay VAT or not for later! 

10.Now you have got that information, go back onto Site admin and Select “Products” on your private vendor name. You will then want to select “Go to Novus”. 

11.Now that Novus is open, you will want to add the package. To do this select 

12.Use the following to fill in the drop-down boxes;

  • Create reason- New Member
  • Package – Package on Confluence 
  • No offer
  • Free? - Chargeable
  • Pay model type- Monthly
  • AM/TAM- Yourself
  • AD- Leigh Armstrong
  • Save


13.Return to the Freshdesk ticket, create a note with the canned response /c PV Template;

Save the note once all filled out. All this information will be required later on in the PV Call! 

14.Now the PV is set up on-site Admin, you can arrange to call to take the first payment and set up reoccurring payments, to arrange a phone call you will need to email the vendor. The email you are replying to will need to be changed.o change the email you are replying to, firstly copy the vendor’s email and press reply, in the right-hand corner that is 3 dots you can press, and it will give you the option to edit the ticket details.

Once you have pressed edit ticket details, it will appear like below; you will need to paste the vendor’s email into the contact box and press save.

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Once you have changed the email, it will instantly change the reply. You will now want to use the canned response /C PV – Prepayment. You will need to add in the vendor’s name and change the opening to say either morning or Afternoon! Sign off and send. 

Remember to map the ticket as below;

  • Status= Pending
  • Group= NH & Breadth contracts
  • Agent= Yourself
  • Type= Membership
  • Category= Contract with Rightmove
  • Subcategory= Prospect
  • Item= New
  • Business Unit= Overseas

15. You will now need to wait till the vendor agrees on a time and date for the payment call.

16.Once you have had a reply, you will want to add the time slot into your calendar to keep track of the meeting, you want to set the title out like so PV CALL- BRANCH ID- VENDOR NAME.

17.To complete the payment call you will need to login into the Keyivr payment website, , Once logged in you will want to make sure it says connected at the bottom of the page. 

The number you will need to ring is 03301744525 (KeyIVR secure line), once you have rang the number you will hear 2 beeps, after these 2 beeps you will want to enter your dial extension followed by the * Key, It will then beep twice again, you will now want to enter the vendor’s geo number followed by the * key, it will then say Rightmove are connecting you, add another *.  

18.Once you are ringing through, you will want to check back on the payment website, the first three boxes should be green and allow you to add/edit (If they aren’t, go back onto the phone keypad and add in a *, it should now work)

In these boxes, you will want to Cope and Pasta over the Account and Invoice number from the PV Template note on Freshdesk. In the amount box, you will always put £130.00, once you have pressed update it may take the 130.00 out so you will need to retype it in. The page should look similar to below;

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19.Once You have filled out the above and pressed update, it will prompt you to select from a drop-down box for Pre-Auth & Save Card.

For Pre Auth, you will want to select- NO

For Save Card, you will want to select- YES

It will prompt you to press update before continuing.

20.After you have filled out the above, it will be down to the vendor to fill out the rest on their mobile phone number keypad.  You will want to prompt the Vendor to type in the following on their phone followed by the * Key;

  1. Long Card Number followed by the * Key
  2. Expiry Date followed by the * Key
  3. 3 digits on the signature strip on the back of the card followed by the * Key

21.Once they have typed these in, it will process the payment, if it turns green and allows you to continue it has been successful. If it turns red and says unsuccessful it means the card payment hasn’t been approved, if this happens you will need to advise the vendor that the payment hasn’t been taken and they may need to try another card. You will want to keep them on the phone for the next few steps.

22.If the payment has been successful, you will now need to create recurring payments. To do this, you will need to press the ‘Create recurring ‘ button. It will show a box, in the boxes you will want to input the following;

A. 130.00 in the first box.

B.2nd Box- How many months- Using the recurring payment calculator set the total amount of months into this box.

C. Email will be your Rightmove email. DO NOT USE THE PV EMAIL FOR THIS RECIPT. 

23.Once the recurring has been set up, you can send them a receipt by using the ‘Send Receipt’ button. 

24.Now that the payments are set up, you can finish setting them live. 

25.Firstly, you will want to get the PV account up on Site Admin, go into Novus. You will want to select Action and then confirm. 

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It will then prompt you to a box to fill in go live and Chargeable dates.

The go-live date will be the day you are on, and the chargeable date will be the start of the next month. 

26.Once they are set live, you will now need to send the email lead test. To do this, go into the RM+, In the top left hand corner there is a logo button. 

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It will take you to a page where you email the Agent.

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You will want to fill in the required boxes and the body of the message be


This is a test lead from Rightmove.

Please confirm receipt of this via e-mail reply.

Many thanks,’

Then Press send. 

27.Last thing to send through is the access for RM+. Open up the site admin and find your PV account. Once the account has been found, you will want to select the User option, this is where you will add in the user details. 

It will show you a page like below; you will want to press  ‘Add new user’ 

You will then be prompted to enter a Title, First and Last Name, and Email address. You will only want to allow them access to ‘Overseas’ . Then press Save and send email later. 

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Once you have added, it will take you back to the user page. You will now want to select ‘Edit’ 

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And then press ‘Save and send added email’ This must be done to allow access. 

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28.Now all access is granted, and they are set live, you can send the final email to the vendor. Using the canned response /C PV Go Live. You will want to edit the ticket so the subject of the email matches what is provided in the canned response. 

You will also want to change the XXXX to include the customer number (Branch ID).

The chargeable date will be the 1st of the next month, the payment cover date will be the next month, and the automated payment date will be the 1st of the month after next. 

Fill in the lead information as prompted and sign off the email. Send off the email and make a note to say ‘ Geo line tested on Pv Call, Email lead tested- awaiting confirmation, Form Uploaded to Bonita’

29.To upload the form to Bonita, you will want to open the Bonita website. When it opens, you will want to select ‘Bonita User Application’ It will open a page that looks like this; You want to go into processes  

You will now want to select overseas forms. It will show an page like this; You will fill it out like so. 

Customer Name- Vendors Name

Form Upload- Upload the Signed PV Form

Contract Type- Private Vendors

Payer Ref- Account number on PV Template note on Fresh Desk 

Sales Notes- Copy and paste in the PV Template note from Fresh Desk

Once everything is filled in, press submit. Once submitted, you will want to go into the regular side of Bonita (where the forms are) find the form, and set it as completed, Rember to add in the Branch ID. 

30.Once this is done, the PV Is now set up. Once they have confirmed they have received the email lead, the ticket can be closed.