This article will talk you through what a MOD 21 RFI form is, and what you need to do with it. 

What is this?

This is a double taxation form for Portuguese customers. 

The Portuguese tax authorities can insist Portuguese companies withhold 25% of the payment, when they are paying invoices submitted by British companies who have sold them goods or services.

The process:

Currently, Adam Roberts in Finance is the only one authorised to complete these.


In order to edit the MOD 21 RFI form, you will need editing rights in PDF 


1. Fill out box 1 (there are 3 pages that are the same)

2. Fill out their details on page 2 - Their VAT number (Tax number starting with PT) is in SAP

3. Sign on page 3 with your name and job title. City is Milton Keynes  

4. Print pages 1,2 & 3

5. Print page 4, 3 times

6. Print covering letter (update date) 

7. Send in window envelope 

8. Save responses in finance>billing>witholding tax>2021

Responses can take a few months to come back and they may come back in bulk