This article will talk you through the monthly task that is run to remove unused GEO numbers within Overseas.
Why do we carry out this task?
Around the 1st of every month, we will run a report for the previous month to go in and delete the GEO numbers, this is so the number can be used again for new agents that join us.
How to carry out the task
1. Open BIR and select on the below report:
2. Then you need to enter the 1st of the previous month, for example if you are in October, you need to select 1st September.
3. Then you need to open the excel spreadsheet, this will give you a list of all estate agents, Developers and Private sellers that have an end date for that month.
4. Once you open this, take the first branch ID and just double check that it has been switched off and is showing as 'not visible'. (this should be the case as Novus will automatically turn them off once their end date passes.
5. Go into the contacts page of the form where you will see the customers number and their GEO number. Tick 'Remove', then save and continue, then Submit.
6. Go in and just double check that the GEO has been removed.
7. Work your way through the list, following steps 5 6 and 7. Once they are all done, the task is complete.