This article is predominantly for the Schools Sales Team, but we need to be aware of the process, should we need to advise.
Process for VAT exemption
1. When the customer signs a contract, ensure they complete the Charity VAT Exemption form, to confirm they should be VAT exempt.
2. When the signed contract and Charity VAT Exemption form is returned to the Account Manager (AM), the AM should set the payer up in Site Admin.
3. The AM should send a copy of the Charity VAT Exemption form and the payer ref to Accounts (, copying in Katie Horton too.
4. This form and the payer ref must be sent to Accounts before the customer is set live and invoiced.
5. Accounts can then ensure their status is updated in the systems so they do not pay VAT.
What if a request is not made, or forgotten?
To avoid credits, we should be clarifying upfront whether they are VAT exempt and asking the customer to complete and return the form.
If the customer is sent the form but they do not sign and return it, then we will charge VAT, so please make it clear they have to return it ahead of going live.
If they do not return it please try to chase it up ahead of us invoicing, in order to avoid credits where possible.