An agent may come to us to say their property is missing from Rightmove. There are a number of ways we can troubleshoot this for the agent.
Why a property could be missing
1. Property not showing in an area search
- Check the location of the property pin- if the pin doesn't sit within the region boundaries that they're searching for then it could just be missing from that particular search.
- If a property needs moving, this will sit with Customer Care. If a region boundary needs changing, this will sit with Customer Technical Care.
2. Property not showing in a filter search
- If the agent is adding a specific filter, such as a 'detached house' or 'Must-Have Garden', it could be that there is something about the advert that's pulling the property out of this search.
- These filters are taken from a keyword search on the property. If the description doesn't include the word, the property won't show in that specific search.
- You can find more information on keyword extraction logic on these articles within Knowledgebase.
A common question we get is when the word Bungalow is mentioned in the description, it will pull the property into a Bungalow search. If the property isn't a Bungalow, the agent will need to remove this word from any description or key features for the property to show correctly.
3. Property not online at all
If the agents property isn't showing at all, it could be for the below reasons:
- Land registry batch job removal - when we receive data from the Land Registry to suggest the property has been sold. This will show in the 'not live' list and will need to be raised to Customer Care.
- Stale property removal job - when a property has been unavailable for 6 weeks (lettings) or 8 months (sales). These will need to be raised with Customer Care.
- Errors/warnings from software - there's a problem with the advert sent to us. These will sit with Customer Technical Care.
Rightmove Plus Checks
1. Check property list ('not live')
You can check if a property has been moved to the not live list in Rightmove Plus. We will move a property to the not live list if we have removed it for being stale or removed at the request of the Land Registry. A property removed by these two jobs will show a (!) in an orange circle.
Our Data Quality team will also move properties into the not live list after investigating a case. You can search the property ID in Freshdesk to find any tickets relating to this and reach out to the member of the team who did this to find out why.
2. Check RTDF Error Report
If the agent uses a software to upload and update their properties, we may receive an update that we can't process. This will show in the errors and warnings tabs on Rightmove Plus in the Real-Time Datafeed Error report.
The error message will detail the reason the property isn't live, such as a missing town in the address. The agent will need to amend this in their software and send the update through again. You can click the "unique call ID" under the error to show more details.
The error report date range expands to 28 days, so please update dates in case this is an error from previous weeks.
If you're unsure what the error means, you can speak with the ADF team who will be able to assist.
If the postcode their using isn't recognised, check if this is registered with the Royal Mail and then add this to our system. If it isn't registered with the Royal Mail, the agent will need to add the property using a nearby postcode.
Troubleshotting Hints & Tips
- Is the branch set to a feed in the Upload Method in Site Admin?
If not it may be a manual branch that updates via Rightmove Plus.
Or the branch may have been transferred from brand to brand by Contracts, and the upload method has not been updated. Please check Freshdesk using the branch ID and liaise with Contracts.
- Is the branch going through branch Split or Merge?
Branches are updated to Rightmove Plus on their Upload Method in Site Admin whilst properties are being transferred. Please check Freshdesk using the branch ID; the ticket will advise the query’s status, and you can confirm with the Datafeed team or Contracts for any additional questions.
- Ensure the queried property is on relevant branch, as agent may have various branches they are responsible for.
- Is the property Commercial? If the property is in Rightmove Plus, but the agent can’t find it on site, it may be a commercial property and they are not looking in a Commercial search.
- Does the property have a First Live date in Rightmove Plus? This may mean their Core is Pending and not Live in Novus. Please liaise with Contracts with the person who set up the line in Novus. Any new properties sent in the feed will not display on site until the Core is updated to Live.
- For New Homes, is the development mapped, and is there a current entry in the Datafeed Upload Report in Rightmove plus?
A development will not update via its feed unless it is mapped by New Homes and Breadth.
The Datafeed Upload Report will show up to the last 7 New Homes feeds. If none are present, this means the development has not been set up to update via the feed. Please liaise with New Homes and Breadth.